孙过庭·书谱 app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: 北京雅昌文化发展有限公司(beijing artron culture development Co.,Ltd)
First release : 25 Apr 2011
App size: 22.13 Mb
《书谱》,唐代书法家孙过庭撰并书。 草书, 分上、下卷。 款署“垂拱三年写记” 。现存纸本墨迹上卷,藏于台北故宫博物院。《石渠宝笈》载:“卷高八寸五分、横二丈八尺七分,凡三百七十行。书法二王, 笔势坚劲,后半卷愈益恣肆。”明代王世贞云:“《书谱》浓润圆熟,几在山阴堂室。后复纵放,有渴猊游龙之势。”其用笔破而愈完,纷而愈治,飘逸愈沉着,婀娜愈刚健。《书谱》的内容也甚为丰富,阐述了书法源流、书体特点、学书经验以及流派利弊等,对后世的书法艺术创作和理论研究产生了重要的影响。
The "Shupu", which wrote in Tang dynasty by the famous calligrapher Sun-Guoting, is being preserved in National Palace Museum of Taiwan. The scroll work is high 27.2cm, long 898.2cm, and 370 line of script.
Sun-Guoting’s calligraphy is elegant and steady, graceful and vigorous; furthermore the structure of script is fantastic due to his calligraphy talent. Sun-Guoting’s cursive script is superior to his regular script and running script.
The content of "Shupu" is abundant, which include calligraphy’s origin and transformation, character of chirography, the experience of calligraphy’s exercise as well as the pros and cons of various genres in calligraphy. It has great influence for the calligraphy’s art and theory later in China. Since then, most of the people learn cursive scripts would choose the "Shupu" as an example.